What is the last booking date for booking a flat under the #TheFutureStartsAtHome campaign?

The last date for booking an apartment under the #TheFutureStartsAtHome campaign is 15th August 2022. If you book a flat at any under-construction or upcoming housing project of the Piramal Realty before the mentioned date, you can avail of a home loan at a reduced interest rate, which translates to greater savings on your purchase for the next two years.

Is the reduced home loan interest rate applicable for its entire tenure?

No. If you avail of a home loan under the #TheFutureStartsAtHome campaign, a fixed interest rate of 6.75% per annum would be applicable till January 2024 or the OC date, whichever is earlier.

Which housing properties are available under this campaign?

You can buy any apartment by Piramal Realty’s residential projects in Mumbai to avail of the benefits under this campaign. Some top Piramal Realty projects include the Piramal Aranya in Byculla, Piramal Mahalaxmi at Mahalaxmi, Piramal Vaikunth in Thane, and Piramal Revanta in Mulund.