An Overview of Carpet Area

The carpet area refers to a property's actual area with a floor covering. This is the area within the walls and does not include the thickness of those walls. Simply put, if you could cover the floors with one giant carpet, the carpet area would be the size the rug would need. It's the space you can utilise within the unit.

Piramal Realty, founded in 2012 as the real estate development arm of the Piramal Group, emphasises the importance of carpet area in its projects. With its new Value Housing Segment at Piramal Vaikunth, Thane, it ensures that every square foot is optimised for comfort and convenience.

Significance of Carpet Area

The carpet area represents the actual livable space within your walls. It determines room for furnishings, accommodating your family, hosting guests, and going about daily life. Evaluating the carpet area is critical for judging the functional utility of the unit. Measurements directly tie to your usage capacity - larger carpet area means more living space at your disposal.

How to Calculate Carpet Area

Carpet area = Area of bedroom + living room + balconies + toilets – the thickness of the inner walls

An Overview of Built Up Area

The built up area encompasses the carpet area plus the thickness of the internal walls of the unit. So, it includes the total covered area bounded on all sides. The built up area gives a complete impression of your dwelling's full footprint within the building.

Significance of Built Up Area

While carpet area reveals spaces you can actively utilise, built up area denotes the physical shell of your unit. It factors wall thickness to portray the enclosure bounding your rooms. Built up area impacts operating expenses associated with structural maintenance and cooling/heating. A higher built-up area means greater costs apportioned to your unit for the upkeep of the building envelope.

How to Calculate Built Up Area

Built up area = Carpet area + area of walls + area of balcony

An Overview of Super Built Up Area

The super built-up area is the largest measurement. Along with carpet area and interior wall thickness, it also includes a portion of any shared building spaces like lobbies or stairwells allocated to that unit. This reflects the total space associated with owning that home.

Significance of Super Built Up Area

Finally, the superbuilt area conveys your ownership stake beyond just the apartment itself. It credits accessible common facilities through a percentage allotment to each unit. A higher superbuilt area confers greater privileges to building amenities, but it can also indicate higher taxes and maintenance charges. The superbuilt area provides a more holistic proxy for overall asset share.

How to Calculate Super Built Up Area

Super built up area = Built up area + proportionate common area

Difference Between Carpet Area, Built Up Area, and Super Built Up Area

3. Calculation Process

  • Carpet area is calculated by length times the width of each room.
  • The built up area starts with the carpet area total and adds the interior wall area.
  • The super built-up area begins with the built-up area and includes a percentage of common spaces.

4. Size Ranking

  • The carpet area is always the smallest measurement.
  • The built-up area exceeds the carpet area based on wall thickness.
  • The super built-up area is always the largest of the three metrics.

5. Comprehensiveness

  • The carpet area reflects only literal floor spaces.
  • The built-up area incorporates vertical wall mass.
  • Super built-up area factors common access allotments.

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